So excited for Waterman's Ball tomorrow night. It's a huge event in the industry, put on by the Surf Industry Manufacturer's Association (aka SIMA) and it's a giant fundraiser. All of the big names in the industry are there - from founders of Companies to athletes. When I was at Billabong, only the really important people got to go to this (like the President and VP's). It's fun being able to go now!
It's starts with 2 hours of schmoozing at the St. Regis Hotel, drinking cocktails and bidding on silent auction items. Last year I won a gift certificate to Burke Williams - so relaxing! I really look forward to seeing all of my Clients and old peeps from my Billabong days.
After the cocktail hour, there's a yummy dinner, awards, and a live auction - last year Eddie Vedder was an award recipient. This year's big recipient is Occy - what an amazing surfer -and he's a Billabong athlete!!!
It's basically a good excuse for everybody to get together for a good cause and have fun. I look forward to it every year!