This was my first full weekend at home, where I had no commitments or obligations - I had the whole weekend to myself...literally. Eric was hanging out with his fraternity brothers in San Diego, and Holly is in Cancun. So it was just Bella and I. I have to say - I enjoyed the time at my house to organize, clean, weed my yard, and just enjoy being home. I know, does not sound like fun at all to you, but I enjoyed it. I'm not home very much during the week, so it was nice. I put off all of my work until tonight, so I've spent the last 6 hours working - yuck!
We had the Santa Ana winds this weekend - which made my soccer game miserable! There's nothing like running against the wind, having grit and dirt blowing in your face. I had a layer of dirt after the game. Unfortunately, we lost 2-1 (we were robbed - their second goal was scored by a player that was offsides - but I'm not going to complain about that....).
Last weekend was a much better game. We won 6-1. It was Eric's first DSFA experience...and I scored a goal! And this wasn't a pansy goal - it was a legitimate goal. I was left fullback, and it was our corner kick. I played a little bit up. The ball came back to me, and I sent it like a rocket to the upper left corner of the net. I jokingly told Eric that it's okay if he doesn't come to any of my other games because I want him to think that I play like that every game! :) After the game he had his first carne asada burrito from Alerto's - a DSFA favorite!

...and for you DSFA girls reading....the legend of George Glass has finally been proven real!
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