Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Does this make me the Queen of Lazy???

So, I upgraded my place and got this beautiful new floor.  Unfortunately, I threw a playful golden retriever into the mix and the next thing I knew I had dog hair all over my floor.  It wasn't just a couple here or there.  We're talking clumps & layers of hair.  I brush out Bella pretty regularly and she is groomed every 6 weeks, but we're still talking a ridiculous amount of hair.

How do I solve this problem?  I treated myself to a ROOMBA.  Before I went out and spent the money (by the way, thank you to Bed Bath & Beyond for the wonderful 20% off coupons that I get in the mail every week), I asked friends if they had ever heard of a Roomba.  Well, apparently everybody has them and I am the last to jump on the band wagon.

I took it home last night, charged it up, and decided to give it a test run tonight in my den. Bella wasn't quite sure what to think about it.  I took a video, but am having trouble uploading it.  Stay tuned for the video and my review of the ROOMBA (as it is cleaning my great room right now...)